Common Signs of Eye Misalignment

Common Signs of Eye Misalignment

Common Signs of Eye Misalignment

Common Signs of Eye Misalignment

The American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus always reminds parents that eye misalignment often starts in childhood. Children start to develop binocular vision at age seven. But some kids develop a redundant lazy eye. Strabismus happens when this worsens. You must be aware of eye misalignment during your child’s formative years. Here are the common signs that you must consider.


Looking Sideways

Turning one’s head to increase the ability to focus is a common sign of eye misalignment. Doing this helps children focus using the eye with clearer vision. Some kids would move their heads from one side to another while viewing objects nearer or farther to them.


Issues With Judging the Right Distance

Determining the right depth is possible because of binocular vision. Lacking this type of vision may cause your child to become clumsy. Poor hand-eye coordination is also a sign of eye misalignment. This can cause problems while playing sports or yard games.


Physical Misalignment of the Eyes

This is the main symptom of strabismus. The misalignment angle may come together and then separate from one another while looking at different things. This may be an occasional issue. It may not seem too obvious in young children. That is why you can miss this sign. Regular eye checks can tell the eye doctor that your child has strabismus.


Squinting Even in Moderate Lighting

Strabismus may start with headaches and double vision. Light may worsen these symptoms. Children with normal vision may squint under intense light. But kids trying to balance their eyesight may squint even with mild glare. Squinting indoors while reading or watching TV increases your child’s risk for strabismus.


Covering or Closing One Eye


A child may struggle with vision as strabismus develops. Adapting by covering or closing the lazy eye can happen so that the child’s eyesight can stabilize. Your child may also close or open each eye in an alternating manner while looking around. This habit causes the child to block the images that the lazy eye sees. This sets the problem.


When These Signs Appear

An infant three to four months of age must already have well-aligned and balanced eyes. Focusing on small objects should already be possible at this time. A six-month-old infant should have the ability to focus on objects far and near. Strabismus often starts in infants as well as young kids.

Studies show that this condition starts when the child reaches three years old. In other cases, strabismus may also appear in older kids and adults. Double vision and eye misalignment at these ages may indicate a threatening neurological problem. It is important to see your eye doctor right away if this happens suddenly.


False strabismus can make it seem that your baby has eye misalignment. This eye condition may develop if there is extra skin over the inner corners of their eyes. It can also occur if the child has a flat nose bridge. False strabismus often disappears as the child’s face grows and develops.


Eye misalignment can start at an early age. Being aware of the early signs can help your child get immediate treatment. At Westchester Eyes, we guide parents in helping their children achieve good eye health. Please visit our clinic in Yonkers, New York, for an in-person consultation. Call 914-586-3937 to set an appointment or inquire about our eye misalignment treatment packages.

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