Eye Emergencies in Yonkers, NY

Eye Emergencies in Yonkers, NY

Eye Emergencies in Yonkers, NY

Eye Emergencies in Yonkers, NY

Welcome to Westchester Eyes, where your eye health is our priority. Our team, comprised of Dr. Eric Rubinfeld, Dr. Jiselle Alvarez, Dr. Michael Munoz, Dr. Nisim Pilosov, and Dr. Julie Ren, is dedicated to providing comprehensive care, especially in times of eye emergencies.

Understanding Eye Emergencies:

Eye emergencies encompass a range of incidents and conditions, from trauma, cuts, and foreign objects in the eye to burns, chemical exposure, photic retinopathy, and blunt injuries to the eye or eyelid. The delicate nature of the eye makes it susceptible to serious complications, emphasizing the importance of prompt and proper treatment by our experienced team at Westchester Eyes.

Recognizing Symptoms:

Depending on the type of injury, various symptoms may be present. These include bleeding, bruising, decreased or double vision, unequal pupil size, eye pain, headaches, itchy eyes, redness, sensitivity to light, and more. Certain symptoms, such as nausea or headache with eye pain, may indicate conditions like glaucoma or stroke, necessitating urgent medical attention.

Responding to Eye Injuries:

In case of an eye injury, it's crucial to take immediate action. Gently apply a clean cold compress to reduce swelling and bleeding, but avoid applying pressure. If blood pools in the eye, cover both eyes with a clean cloth and contact your doctor promptly. Importantly, refrain from rubbing your eye, attempting to remove foreign objects, using tools, or applying medications.

For contact lens wearers, removing lenses may worsen the injury in some cases. Exceptions exist for chemical injuries or situations where immediate medical help is unavailable.

Responding to Eye Injuries:

In case of an eye injury, it's crucial to take immediate action. Gently apply a clean cold compress to reduce swelling and bleeding, but avoid applying pressure. If blood pools in the eye, cover both eyes with a clean cloth and contact your doctor promptly. Importantly, refrain from rubbing your eye, attempting to remove foreign objects, using tools, or applying medications.

For contact lens wearers, removing lenses may worsen the injury in some cases. Exceptions exist for chemical injuries or situations where immediate medical help is unavailable.

Advanced Diagnostic and Treatment Options:

At Westchester Eyes, our expertise goes beyond basic eye care. We utilize advanced diagnostic tests and treatments, including corneal topography, wavefront refraction, OCT Macular screening, and more, ensuring a comprehensive evaluation tailored to your specific situation.

Preventing Eye Injuries:

Prevention is key. Whether during high-risk activities or unexpected accidents, wearing protective eyewear, following safety guidelines with chemicals and tools, and keeping sharp instruments away from children can reduce the risk of eye injuries.

​​​​​​​In the event of an eye injury, seeking immediate medical evaluation is crucial to minimize the chances of permanent damage. Trust Westchester Eyes for compassionate and expert care in any eye emergency. Your vision is our priority.

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