How Often Do I Need a New Eyeglass Prescription?

How Often Do I Need a New Eyeglass Prescription?

How Often Do I Need a New Eyeglass Prescription?

How Often Do I Need a New Eyeglass Prescription?

The general recommendation for how often you should get a new eyeglass prescription is every one to two years or as your eye doctor advises. However, this will still depend on several factors.

As you age, your eyes undergo changes that can affect your vision. This means you may require more frequent prescription updates. Eye health conditions like cataracts may require more frequent updates. Are there changes in your vision or lifestyle, such as prolonged screen time or new hobbies? If so, you may need a prescription update to address these changes.

It is essential to have regular comprehensive eye exams with your eye doctor. They will evaluate your vision and recommend the necessary updates to your prescription. Here are factors to consider when deciding how often to update your eyeglass prescription.


Eye Health


Certain eye conditions can impact the clarity of our vision to require an updated prescription. Cataracts, for example, are a prevalent condition that causes the clouding of the eye's natural lens. This results in blurry or distorted vision. Your eye doctor could advise more frequent prescription updates if your eye problem affects your eyesight.


Lifestyle Changes


Changes in your lifestyle can impact your vision and your need for an updated prescription. Did you begin a new job that requires extended periods of computer work? You may need a new prescription to address eyestrain from prolonged screen time. Similarly, starting a hobby involving fine details may require a prescription update to ensure clear vision at close distances.




Your eyes change as you age, which may impair your eyesight. Presbyopia is a common age-related condition that makes it challenging to focus on objects up close. This condition usually begins around the age of 40 and advances over time. With it, many find they need new glasses or a prescription update every few years as they age.


Changes in Vision


It might be time to update your prescription if you experience vision changes. Addressing these changes promptly is crucial to avoid further eyestrain or damage.


Frequency of Eye Exams


You should undergo a thorough eye exam every one to three years or as directed by your eye doctor. Your doctor will evaluate your vision during an eye exam. They will look for any changes or conditions requiring a revised prescription.


Wear and Tear on Your Glasses


Your vision's clarity may decline due to wear and tear on your glasses. Scratched or damaged lenses, loose frames, or other issues can affect the effectiveness of your prescription. To prevent any damage or pain, you must fix the problems with your glasses immediately.


Changes in Medications


Certain medications can adversely affect your eyesight. Addressing potential effects on your vision with your doctor before starting or changing any medications is essential.


Personal Preferences


Finally, personal preferences affect how often you need an updated prescription. Are you highly attuned to changes in your vision or notice slight discomfort or blurriness? If so, you should update your prescription more frequently than someone less sensitive.




There is no definitive answer to how often you need an updated eyeglass prescription. The factors listed above can all impact your vision and your need for an updated prescription. Schedule a thorough eye exam with your doctor to ascertain whether you require an updated prescription. They can evaluate your vision and recommend any necessary updates to your prescription.

For more on age-related eye care changes, visit Westchester Eyes at our office in Yonkers, New York. Call 914-586-EYES (3937) to schedule an appointment today.

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