What Eye Conditions Can Ortho-K Treat?

What Eye Conditions Can Ortho-K Treat?

What Eye Conditions Can Ortho-K Treat?

What Eye Conditions Can Ortho-K Treat?

Ortho-K, short for Orthokeratology, is a revolutionary method that has been gaining popularity in the eye care field. Ortho-K is a non-surgical procedure that uses specially designed contact lenses to temporarily reshape the curvature of the cornea, the front surface of the eye. The goal is to correct or reduce problems such as myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism, and presbyopia.


How Ortho-K Works

The process begins with your eye care practitioner taking a detailed map of your cornea. This map is then used to create custom-made Ortho-K lenses designed to gently reshape your cornea while you sleep.

You wear these lenses overnight, and as you sleep, they apply a controlled shape to the front surface of the eye. This reshaping corrects the way light enters your eye, leading to clear vision during the day without the need for glasses or daytime contact lenses. It's a simple and painless process that works while you're getting your much-needed shut-eye.

If you stop wearing the lenses, your cornea gradually returns to its original shape, and your vision reverts to its previous state. This is why it's essential to use the lenses consistently as directed by your eye care professional.

Eye Conditions Treated by Ortho-K


Ortho-K can effectively treat several eye conditions. Primarily, it is used for people with myopia, also known as nearsightedness. This condition makes it difficult for people to see objects in the distance. Ortho-K lenses reshape the cornea, allowing light to be focused correctly onto the retina for clear distance vision.

Ortho-K can also assist those with hyperopia, or farsightedness. Individuals with hyperopia struggle with near vision, finding it hard to read or do close work. Similarly, Ortho-K helps to correct the shape of the cornea, improving near vision for those with hyperopia.

Astigmatism, which causes blurred vision due to an irregularly shaped cornea or lens, can also be treated with Ortho-K. The custom-made lenses reshape the cornea, reducing the blurring and distortion caused by astigmatism.

Lastly, Ortho-K can help manage presbyopia, an age-related condition that affects near vision. As we age, our eye's lens becomes less flexible, making it harder to focus on close objects. Ortho-K lenses can compensate for this loss of flexibility, improving near vision in older adults.

The Benefits of Using Ortho-K


Ortho-K comes with numerous benefits, making it an appealing option for individuals struggling with vision problems. First, it provides freedom from glasses and daytime contact lenses. This is especially beneficial for athletes and people with active lifestyles, as it eliminates the inconvenience of wearing corrective eyewear during physical activities.

Secondly, Ortho-K is non-invasive and reversible. Unlike corrective eye surgeries, it doesn't involve any cutting or removal of eye tissue. This makes it a safer alternative for those wary of surgical procedures. If you're not happy with the results or wish to stop treatment, your eyes will gradually return to their original state once you cease wearing the lenses.

Lastly, Ortho-K can slow the progression of myopia in children. This is particularly important as high levels of myopia can lead to serious eye health issues later in life, such as glaucoma, cataracts, and retinal detachment. By controlling myopia early, we can potentially reduce the risk of these complications.


Is Ortho-K Right for You?


Ortho-K is a powerful and versatile tool that can help manage a variety of common eye conditions. Its non-invasive nature, reversibility, and potential to slow myopia progression make it an attractive option for many.

As with any eye treatment, it's essential to have a thorough discussion with your eye care professional about the pros and cons, and whether it's the best choice for your specific needs and lifestyle.

To learn more about eye conditions Ortho-K can treat or to determine if these lenses are the right solution for you, consult with our professionals at Westchester Eyes & Aesthetics at our office in Yonkers, New York. Call 914-586-EYES (3937) to schedule your appointment today. 

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